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Collection: Cameron's Cupboard

The inspiration for starting Cameron business is our son Cameron. Our son Cameron has Autism. Children on the Autism spectrum benefit from a special diet.  We have a cupboard where we keep Cameron’s food.  Cameron opens his cupboard daily to try to find GOOD tasting food.  We have purchased products in the past that have sounded good but have disappointed us. We want to give Cameron GOOD tasting food because he deserves that. Cameron’s brother has a culinary degree and has helped to develop some granola recipes.  

Cameron's Cupboard gives a percent of the profits to Autism causes that will benefit Cameron and others like him.

Our son Cameron, who has special needs, graduated from high school.  When adults with disabilities graduate, there are limited services.  However, many of these young adults have unique abilities and deserve a chance to use them.  We have observed adults competing at Special Olympic events and it is the highlight of their year.  What if we could provide that type of environment on a regular basis with a business.  This is where the seed for Cameron’s Cupboard was born. 

People with special needs are capable of accomplishing many things, however they need direction and help in organizing their tasks. We want our son to wake up each morning and look forward to completing tasks and feel good about his accomplishments at the end of the day. We started this business for special needs adults so they can feel a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis, have a good quality of life and contribute to society.  Adults with special needs have many abilities they just need help and encouragement to use them. They deserve to do so and our mission is to give them a place to do that at Cameron’s Cupboard!